Friday, April 11, 2014

My Life As I Know It!

I Love my CRAZY, Beautiful life. But that's exactly what it feels like at the moment... CRAZY and BEAUTIFUL!  The weather lately couldn't be more gorgeous, and anyone who knows me knows that I live to be in the sunshine! It seems that my crazy life and all the many things I have going on currently are either keeping me too busy to get out and enjoy it, or lingers over my head and makes me feel guilty for taking the time to say... lay in our sweet Guatemalan hammock and enjoy a few rays of sunshine!  That being said, I still do take a little time, I'm just not able to completely zone out like I wish I could some days.  

With all that said, the many things forming those new chapters in my life are primarily positive and are leading to some very exciting events to look forward to.  Unfortunately for you, I'm going to play hard to get and not give any further details as to what is going on.  Sorry! :)

What I do know and will share is that I just got back from a "vacation" (mission trip to Guatemala which turns out to be more like a working vacation) and had a wonderful time.  Those that know me know that I live to travel.  I had the opportunity to live in Guatemala 5 years ago and this was my first time back since. As you can imagine, it was fantastic to go back and see some of the people I lived and worked with.  It was also ready great to be able to share this part of my life with my husband.  

As far as my Master's is concerned, I think I've finally nailed down my area of focus which is very exciting. I'm going to be focusing on the increased number of English Language Learners in Public Schools over the recent years and look at the decreasing reading scores.  I will then link that with the use of technology and see whether or not the use of technology can increase those scores and benefit all students, but primarily ELLs.  I still have a ways to go specifically outlining and defining this, but I'm liking where it's headed.  I'm behind in every aspect of my Master's but I'll get it done one way or another.  

So, moral of the story... Give this girl some sunshine, let her travel the world, and motivate her to GSD! (Get S*!# Done!) I just learned that one and I like it! Cheers!

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