Thursday, April 3, 2014

6 Weeks In...

Well here I am, 6 weeks into my Master's Program.  When asked, "How's it going so far?" I'm not even sure how to respond.  I truly am enjoying this process. I love to learn and enjoy education.  However, this is not a small undertaking.  With SO many other things happening in life at the moment, it's been difficult to make the Master's program a priority, however, I am determined. I always have worked better under pressure.  (Yes! I have always been a procrastinator, but I'm determined to change that.) Unfortunately, life gets away from us and days turn into weeks, and weeks into months.  Here I am... a month and a half in and I have very little idea as to what's going on.

There are a few things I've learned about myself over the years... I'm NOT a quitter!  I don't always finish projects that I start, but I NEVER drop out of anything.  Being under pressure makes me work harder, focus more intensely and finish tasks before me.  So... To the next 6 weeks of this first semester (or whatever units this program is measured in) I will win and and and I are going to get down over the next few weeks.  Cheers!

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