Sunday, March 2, 2014

First Grade iPad Classroom

While this video is not the most exciting, it certainly gives a lot of information as to how an iPad can impact the educational experience for students and teachers.  The teacher in this video says a quote that I found to be very powerful... "Educating is about moving forward, not backwards." That's exactly where we are in the 21st century.  Technology is taking over in many, if not all areas of life and that includes the interests of students and how they learn.  The following list was taken from key points I pulled from watching this video of how iPads can and do influence education.  
  • They are a HIGH impact tech tool which ENGAGES students in learning.
  • Students are EXCITED, MOTIVATED & FOCUSED when using iPads.
  • Students are EAGER to come to school and prove to have GREAT ATTENDANCE records.
  • There are many different APPS which keep students INTERESTED IN LEARNING.
  • These APPS play an ACTIVE ROLL in students LEARNING as they can choose which app to use and they can MASTER SKILLS and DEMONSTRATE PROFICIENCY.  

These different points certainly lead to a new and exciting approach to education and gives food for thought. I'm excited to learn more and more excited to see what the future holds.     

Transforming the Classroom with iPads

What I love most about hearing this teachers perspective is the part about differentiated instruction.  Since my first day in the classroom, I've known the importance of differentiating instruction so that all students are able to succeed.  With that said, that has also been one of the most challenging aspects to teaching.  With 30 students in the classroom and 1 teacher, it certainly makes the process of targeting each student at their own ability level a challenge.  Seeing how iPads can make that goal more achievable is a huge bonus to incorporating them into the classroom.  Being able to use apps as supplemental activities for students would be incredible awesome!  I hope that one day this becomes a reality in my classroom and that my students are able to use iPads in order to enjoy learning in a hands on way.