Saturday, February 22, 2014

iPads in 2nd Grade

2nd Graders Learning with iPads
This is an inspirational video to watch for any teacher interested in incorporating iPads into the classroom.  What I enjoyed most about this video was watching the students teach how to use the iPad. They are not only showing those of us watching, but they are also teaching their peers.  Having partners share iPads is a nice way to enhance communication skills amongst students.   They are able to interact and learn together.  This can be very powerful and is a huge part of the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) approach.  Things can be figured out in different ways and having students share with each other how they figured out a problem is very beneficial.  I loved seeing how the iPads are used throughout the day and in the different settings.  I'm excited to move forward and hopefully get more iPads in my classroom.  

iPads in the Classroom

iPads in the Classroom

This video is RAD! 
After class #1 of my Masters program focusing on Educational Technology, I was given the assignment to find videos "loosely" related to technology and education.  I wasn't sure how excited I was to get a Masters focusing on technology, but I figured since that's the way education is headed, it couldn't hurt and I'd give it a chance.  After seeing this video, I'm stoked!  Part of my hesitation and lack of excitement was due to never seeing a classroom running off of technology.  I have limited access to technology and honestly, limited knowledge to everything an iPad can do.  This video just pumped me up.  IT IS POSSIBLE to have a paperless classroom... or very close to in the 2nd grade.  I don't have a smart board and hardly know how they work, but now... I want one of those too! :)  I also enjoyed seeing the small clip showing the usage of QR codes.  I know what a QR code looks like, but have no idea what they do.  This was very cool to see and get a sample of what they do.  There wasn't anything in this video that I wasn't impressed with, but the last comment that was shared from the teacher was especially powerful... "The challenge I have, is getting out of the way and letting them show me what they can do, because they can do so much more than what I ever thought they could do."